Friday, August 5, 2011

G-d's Agreement With The 6 Days

R. Yochanan said, G-d made an agreement  (תנאי) with the sea that  it  should  divide  before  the  Israelites: thus it is said, “And the sea returned to its strength.  R.  Yirmiyahu,  son  of  Elazar,  said:

Not only with the sea, but with all that has been created in the six days of the beginning [was the agreement made]: this is referred to in the words, “I, even my hands have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded” (Isa. xlv. 12); i.e., I have commanded the sea to divide before Israel… the sun and moon to stand still before Yehoshua. (MN 2:29 from Bereshith Rabbah 5:5 and Pirkei D’R Eliezer).

This teaching can be understood as a key to understanding what I have written elsewhere in my commentary on Bereshith One (Genesis One) – that Bereshith 1:1 (Genesis 1:1) is the first commandment of creation, the commandment that brought all into being out of non-being, non-existence, but that, in that this commandment was given in the declarative form, just as it is recorded, Creation was not able to rise to the level of this glory on its own and shine (in interpretation of the commandment to exist) as it was intended to, and that therefore G-d "came down" and assisted Creation gracefully by "inserting" his word into Creation, or by clarifying the meaning of the word that he had already spoken, in the form of the imperative, "Let there be light!"  In other words, it can be said that the "agreement"  (תנאי) that G-d had with each day is the imperative form of his word with which he addressed each day – after he had already created them as one in the first instant of what would become the first day.  You may find links to my notes and commentary on Bereshith One / Genesis One elsewhere on this site.

This subject leads us to two critical matters:

  1. The relationship between the temporal state of creation and the eternal state of creation.
  2. The relationship between the word of G-d outside of creation and inside of creation.
These two matters were pivotal to the challenge of thought and deed that Adam and cHavah (Eve) faced in the Garden of Eden.  They remain pivotal for thought and deed, therefore, in the Tikkune, the Great Repair that is necessarily taking place to correct the error that was made and its consequences.  You will find that MellowWolf Publishing documents and posts on all its sites are directed toward these matters and the service of this Great Repair.

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