Thursday, December 2, 2010

Is Kabbalah UnBiblical?

Christians who have heard of the Kabbalah have often been taught that it is occult and unBiblical.  The term, Kabbalah, is used by many different people to refer to many different things.  Jewish Kabbalah is not Hermetic Kabbalah nor magic.  Standard Jewish Kabbalah is core Judaism.  Even if a religious Jew does not know much about Kabbalah in a formal way, its concepts and teachings permeates their religious life without their knowing it by name.  This fact is put very well by Adin Steinsaltz who is head of the present reconstituted Sanhedrin in Jerusalem.  He states that, "Jewish mysticism - or Kabbalah - is the official theology of the Jewish people."

Only when the nature of the theology of true Jewish Kabbalah is learned should one ever decide whether they believe it is Biblical or not.  When one listens to what is actually taught then it is possible to recognize that there are a few schools of Jewish Kabbalah that may have a tendency to put Kabbalah in a position that lessens the importance of the Bible and a few others that use it as a lens to read the Bible to speak of a universal utopia in this world, without the need for a new creation.  Such exceptions can be addressed only from a basis of actual knowledge of what Orthodox Jewish Kabbalah truly teaches.

From a place of understanding that true Jewish Kabbalah can be very helpful in learning about the plan of God in the creation and redemption of Israel and of the revelation, concealment and revelation to come of Messiah,  I am working on this blog site to introduce to other people of a similar faith orientation to my own the value of acquiring a true knowledge of true Jewish Kabbalah.

 If someone is looking for secular or non-Jewish forms of Kabbalah, or perhaps forms that begin from Judaism but diverge away from Orthodox Judaism this site is not the  site they are looking for.

As well, Orthodox Jews who are not interested in any dialogue with non-Jews who are seeking Torah and Kabbalah so long as there may be some link to Christian thought will also want to pass this site by.  One reason for this site is to develop a better appreciation for Jewish Kabbalah among people who are beginning from just that exact  Christian or Messianic background.  As well, this site will offer thoughts about the Scriptures, especially in Genesis, that Jewish Kabbalah makes possible but which might not be found in other places than on this site.  It is my hope that such thoughts will prove helpful in understanding the Bible.

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