Thursday, September 24, 2009


The infinite point of emanation
from the One that is not like anyone ~

The Infinite Eternal One imploding with the gift of light ~
Divine luminescence imploding
becomes emanation exploding in a singularity,
as the singular point of potential emerges ~
Imploding and exploding of the Infinite One beyond eternity,
of the Eternal One beyond infinity,
is the gift of potential time, potential space,
a potential space for eternity,
a potential time for infinity ~
The True One giving all
without losing at all ~
Out of the Fulness,
the potential point of nothing,
in order that there can be something created
from nothing
and something more,
until there is enough,
a potential line,
a potential sphere,
a potential soul ~
The potential line drawing a beam of light
into and out of the finite continuous spatial point,
expanding potential into actual ~
Directions six ~
A circling six
orbiting a circling six ~
Expanding through infinite contraction,
until there is enough ~
The global Reason Why of the One being a gift,
a gift of being with the many,
the many given to Himself
and to one another
and to themselves ~
A billion light years in a moment of space ~
A billion billion souls in the space of six days ~

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