The one day of the lie takes hold of the seven days of truth for its substance and falsifies each day. Where the side of truth and creation has 7 days, to begin its way of destruction, the side of the lie has 14 days - the seven days of truth which it steals by falsely claiming for its substance and then these seven days which it replicates falsely in giving them to itself. For having imagined ownership of them by a false claim, the lie imagines that it is able to use them as it wills and to give them to itself to consume what it can of them as its substance. But these two acts of the lie, theft and immorality, do not satisfy the insecurity of the lie, for they are to begin with merely acts of imagination. Therefore the day of the lie is a day wherein the lie takes action with regard to the particulars of every day of the week of creation and truth, so as to make its imagination real.
The lie first denies its theft of the seven days of creation with the act of blaspheme, claiming that the truth of the seven days and the truth of who created them is only relative and therefore it is no theft to claim them for itself. Then it denies its immorality claiming that what it owns it surely has a right to give to itself for sustenance. This boast it makes as an act of idolatry, worshiping itself. Therefore the lie has 28 days, 7 of claiming by way of its imagination the 7 days of truth as its own, 7 of giving them then by way of its imagination to itself for sustenance, and 14 more of acting on these imaginations to prove to itself that they are real. But even so the lie remains empty and is not satisfied.
Therefore the lie sets forth to coerce all the creatures of the seven days of truth to act on its imaginations as it acts, subjecting them to the torture and abuse of its force until they appear to be in agreement with it. Thus the lie is not satisfied until it has violated every principle of the sustaining power of love in the truth of creation. And with this the lie has 35 days. But whereas with this abomination of consuming the living blood of creation the lie has satisfied its need to deafen itself entirely to the crying voice of the seven days of truth which it consumes for its sustenance, it only wets the appetite of its lust for blood.
Having nothing left to murder except the Adam who was created to be the caretaker and the governor of each of the seven days of truth but who is the one who nevertheless gave voice to the lie, the lie sets out to murder that very Adam, lest the truth should every redeem them and set them free. In this enterprise the lie has added another 7 days to its 35 and now has expanded the 7 days of truth to 42 false days. And still, even with its certainty of success in its endeavour to murder Adam the lie is not able to rest from its fear. For what if the truth should bring about a resurrection of the dead wherein the lie would be able to find no place to exist?
Out of this final state of fear, the lie marshals all its imaginations and actions and unifies them as one in order to establish a rule and an empire over all the six days of truth and to make them and all the creatures in them, especially the Adam as its agent, to bow down and worship the lie and to serve it in everything that it imagines and in everything that it does. In this its kingdom, the lie seeks to finally rest. And in this the lie has multiplied the seven true days of creation to 49 days of abomination and desolation. Even so, an end must come to these days, and in the time of their end the rest of the lie is shown to be a false rest.
For a remnant of the children of Adam are preserved by the truth and mature in the discipline of repentance from having given voice to the lie and from having served the lie, and they are assembled together by the truth and do not serve or obey the lie. Therefore the lie is greatly disturbed in its kingdom and is moved to great anger through great fear, for it is continually reminded by these children how its days are numbered. Therefore the lie abandons its pretext of rest and orderly rule over the world and sets out with all its cunning to attempt to accomplish its final assassination.
Therefore this is the promise. Because the day of the lie required a multiplication of the 7 days of truth in creation to 49 false days, the days of forgiveness and redemption and rectification also are measured out to 49 days. For every false imagination and every false action of the lie will be rectified. But the 49 days of the lie and therefore the 49 days of rectification are not simple like the days of creation when they were created as the days of truth. For the lie was one lie on the tongue of the woman and another lie on the tongue of the man.
For on the sixth day of the days of truth Adam was created as one, and as one in truth they were commanded to be fruitful and multiply. But having given voice to the lie, Adam lost the unifying power of the truth, and having become divided as two, they became many, without the power of unification as one in the truth.
The man stole the 7 days of truth and falsely claimed them in his own name; the woman also stole the seven days of creation in her own name. When the man, through the lie, immorally gave the 7 days, which were not his to give, to himself for sustenance, he also gave them to his wife for sustenance. And she, having stole them as if in her own right, also immorally gave them to herself and to her husband. They also immorally gave them to their children. And the lie taught each of their children its ways.
Therefore for each of the children to be rectified there is a measure of 49 days of rectification which are not days in their lives but days wherein their souls must be converted during the time of the world from the way of the lie of stealing and immorality and blaspheme and idolatry and cruelty and murder and falsified peace to the way of the truth of creation. As such there are many years and many generations represented in these days according to the number of souls which shall be rectified and restored to one, which Heaven alone can measure. But all of these things the Creator of the 7 days of truth revealed in private to the children of Israel, to be known in their house alone, by them and by their guests.